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The Sandhills Natural History Society holds meetings monthly, except in December. Meetings are usually held on the 4th Monday of each month. Socializing begins at 7:00 pm and the program begins at 7:30 pm.

Shorebirds wading in the water by Brady Beck

Photo credit: Brady Beck

LOCATION: Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve Visitors Center, 1024 N. Fort Bragg Rd., Southern Pines, NC 28387

Phone: 910-692-2167

2024 Meetings

January 22: 55 Years of Christmas Bird Counts - Jesse Grantham & John Bird

February 26: How the Natural History of the Sandhills Created the Cultural History of Our Region - Jesse Wimberley

March 25: Insect Decline and Why it Matters - Tom Lillie

April 29: Astrophotography and the Night Sky - Larry Pizzi

May 27: Birding Brazil’s Atlantic Forest - Bruce Sorrie

June 24: Member Show and Tell

July 22:  Butterflying in the Sandhills - Harry LeGrand

August 26: Holly’s Nest Animal Rescue - Byron Wortham

September 23: Observations of the Natural Environment of North Carolina - Jimmy Randolph

October 14: North Carolina Sandhills Herpetology - Alvin Braswell (note date for this meeting)

November 18:  Coyotes - Falyn Owens (note date for this meeting)

No December meeting

Faded background with trees in woods

Field Trips

See where the Sandhills Natural History Society will be headed next!

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