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Join Us...

Venus Fly Trap

Photo credit: Brady Beck

...the more the merrier!

WHEN: Meetings are usually held on the 4th Monday of each month, except in December.


The fun begins at 7:00 PM for refreshments and socializing and the program starts at 7:30 PM.


WHERE: Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve Visitors Center, 1024 N. Fort Bragg Rd., Southern Pines, NC 28387

Phone: 910-692-2167


Membership Benefits: Opportunities to attend monthly presentations about the Sandhills and beyond, field trips around the region, nature walks, and membership in our Google Group – the opportunity to send and receive emails with all SNHS members about events, important sightings, meeting summaries, and more.

DUES: $10 per year

Mail application and dues to:
Sandhills Natural History Society
1024 N. Fort Bragg Road
Southern Pines, NC 28387

Faded background with trees in woods

SNHS Meetings

See what topic we will be discussing at the next Sandhills Natural History Society meeting!

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